Monday, October 13, 2008

Shooting Tard

What the fuck is with people getting tattoos of stars. I’ve seen all different kinds’ big little stars with stars around the stars. First off I learned how to draw a star when I was about 4; I think its one of the first things they get out of the way in kindergarten to see who is going to be sent off to special Ed. Second if the best thing you can think of when you turn 18 is getting a tattoo of a star maybe your best off buying a poster of something you think look cools at the moment, that way when you realize how that certain something is certainly pretty stupid you can throw it away instead of trying to burning it off a cigarette lighter for the rest of your life. Third and most importantly no one is going to take your ass seriously. Why? Because the first thing I think with the star tat is this daddy or mommy issues. Your ass got that tat to show your folks how different you are from them and somehow that you’re a grown up even though yes you learned how to draw that very star when you were 4 years old. 

Monday, September 15, 2008

O.G. Ripper Van Wastell 1984-2008

got the call the other night from my homie christian while i was at lame ass house party in oakland moments later in a drunken rage i started a fight with some noddle and moments later i was getting my ass whomped by the noddles comrades and revieved my yearly blackeye but van..... this blackeye for you buddy rest in peace

Sunday, July 27, 2008

$25 rim jobs on East Carson

blanks are like wearing white pants with white socks and white shoes, it lets everyone else know that your cheap ass does not have any money to buy some color son!

Friday, July 18, 2008

D.N.A.B. promo son

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

about fucking time

beer and skateboarding what could go wrong

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

random looney

this was on my phone from last night don t remember taking it but here it is..............

Wednesday, July 9, 2008